法律翻译是翻译中的高端服务,作为法律语言学主要研究内容之一,包括口译和笔译,在国内、国际社会生活中将起日益重要的作用。法律翻译工作除了对译员及相关的条件提出较高的要求外,还受制于法律语言本身的特点。 下面西安翻译公司是整理的《中国司法领域人权保障的新进展》白皮书的笔记要点,大家可以稍作参考。 1.科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法 promotes legislature based on rational analysis, strict law enforcement, judicial justice, and observance of the law by all citizens 2.司法体制改革全面深化 The reform of the judiciary has been driven to a deeper level 3.司法职权配置 the allocation of judicial powers and responsibilities, judicial accountability 4.律师执业权利 lawyers’ right to practice their profession 5.人权司法保障机制 the judicial protection of human rights 6.立案登记制 a case-filing register system 7.诉讼制度 litigation system 8.疑罪从无、非法证据排除 dubio pro reo, exclusion of unlawful evidence 9.防止和纠正冤假错案 preventing and correcting miscarriages of justice 10.司法机关依法独立公正行使职权 The judiciary exercises its power independently and impartially in accordance with the law 11.国家赔偿、法律援助 state compensation and legal aid 12.犯罪嫌疑人、被告人、罪犯、被羁押人 Crime suspects, defendants 、criminals、 detainees 13.申诉、控告、检举等合法权利 rights of appeal, accusation, and impeachment